Last week Egyptians interviewed on the streets and in coffee houses by the BBC stated they couldn't be bothered to riot.
This was in response to the recent riots and eventual presidential "stepping down" in Tunisia. Answers from men from young to old ranged from "I can't be bothered." to "Why would I riot when I can afford to maintain my standard of living and my children are in college."
Clearly the BBC was conducting its interviews in the wrong sorts of places as we now see Cairo is in flames and the economic dirty laundry of Egypt is being flown for all to see.
What I don't get in all of this is where we, the United States get off having anything to say about it. U.S. secretary of state Hilary Clinton said "We believe strongly that the Egyptian government has an important opportunity at this moment to implement political, economic and social reforms to respond to the legitimate needs and interest of the Egyptian people."
WTF Hilary? Really? As an American why are you not speaking up on behalf of us? And when the American people finally do riot are you going to be helpful to them or are you going to be sitting in your swanky office sipping tea and yelling "let them eat cake!" ?
But beyond that, we have no, absolutely no business sticking our nose in Egyptian politics, riots or not. The riots are happening because they NEED to happen.
Honestly riots happen because people aren't heard. It would help to stop future riots if we listened and listened in the right places to the people who are most affected by societal inequalities.
"A riot at bottom is the language of the unheard." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Do you hear me? I mean it.
Amen to that. Great quote by MLK Jr.. Let them riot. Lets stay out of it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this rated for mature audiences only? I see nothing in it that couldn't be said to our youth who most needs to hear it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, as thr mainstream media blissfully glosses over the reason for unrest.
ReplyDeletehere in the US, we watch American Idol instead.
Cal, it is a setting of my blog this is so I can bust out with shitcockfuckbasterd anytime I feel like it.
ReplyDeleteThe upside is commenters can say anything they like too.
I don't like censoring so people should be aware of that when they come here, and hopefully they will act like adults too.
Eddie, the mains stream media barely mentions any of this.
ReplyDeleteIt is frightening the lack of information coming through to people.
I was disappointed no one rioted during Mad King George's second reign, but then again he stole that election fair and square, the decisive electoarl votes, in his brother Jeb's own state Florida.
ReplyDeleteYeah that was disappointing. It would have been a failed riot for sure because we tend to lock shit down in a quick hurry here. But it would have been a good temp. reading.
ReplyDeleteIn other riot news, during the Republican gathering of fools prior to the last election, riot rumors sparked men in black suits to show up and round up people picnicing by a lake and walking to work. That should show you how hard it is to riot in our country, the mere mention of a possibility shuts down people's spring time outdoor enjoyment.
I'll look for the link I wrote about it at the time.
In thehttp://grainnerhuad.multiply.com/tag/police%20state mean time there is this gem:
"We believe strongly that the Egyptian government has an important opportunity at this moment to implement political, economic and social reforms to respond to the legitimate needs and interest of the Egyptian people."
Important "opportunity"???
Of course, if the democratic tide does wash over the Arab world, the biggest worrier will be the Zionazi pseudostate. Imagine a situation where the oil producers like Saudi Arabia have legitimate democratic governments. They'll squeeze the Empire's testicles in a vise; and if Washington has to choose between the Zionazi pseudostate and its own energy supplies, whom d'you think it will choose?
I think they'll chose Gobbledegook which is the most apt description I have seen yet